Welcome Princess! Buddy’s new girlfriend!

Princess is a Texas Kill Pen horse that is only 6 years old. She is a beautiful lady and it is so sad that horses like these are sent to kill pens on the Southern border and on the Northern border. Horses are beautiful creatures and they deserve to have a life of love and respect. If you cannot afford a horse, then don’t get one. Covid 19 has affected horse owners that have lost their jobs or had their income cut. I am glad she is coming on on March 15th from Decatur, Texas. Buddy will love her. He is an old man at 28 but very gentle and is a retired Cutting horse. They will have fun together at our property!! She is going to Myranda Townsend who is a trainer and owns Cowgirl Tuff Colt Training in Clarkston, Washington. She has been very good with Buddy and I know she will do a great job with Buddy.